Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
What is HSA?
The Hispanic Student Association serves as the go-to organization for Hispanic and non-Hispanic students wishing to learn more about Hispanic-Latino culture and connect with the Hispanic-Latino community at UF, as well as throughout Gainesville. HSA puts together a wide variety of cultural and educational events that are designed to celebrate the many cultures of the Hispanic-Latino people.
Some events focus on purely cultural aspects, such as music, literature, and dance. Other events provide forums for discussion on various issues that face Hispanics and Latinos in the United States and abroad. HSA is a diverse organization; therefore, its programming is equally diverse. In addition, HSA has twenty umbrella organizations - each with its own specific mission - that supplement HSA's programming and enhance the opportunities for students to get involved on campus.
Message to the Class of 2025
To our newest class, the Class of 2025:
First and foremost, welcome to the University of Florida! Congratulations on your achievements and on becoming members of the Gator family. While this is a very exciting time for you all, we’re aware of the fact that this may also be a very uncertain time as well. With all of the changes that have taken place in our lives and around the world over the course of the last few months, we understand that now, more than ever, support is critical. It’s because of this that we are here to extend our love and support to anyone in need. Anyone and everyone is welcome in our family, and we’re here to offer a helping hand to anyone who might it find it difficult navigating these tough and uncharted waters. We wish you the very best as you begin your new journey as a Florida Gator. As always, go Gators!
Sincerely, the HSA Familia
Our History
Founded in 1985, the Hispanic Student Association has been the voice of the Hispanic community on our campus through the founding of La Casita, Multicultural Greek Life, the Alumni Association, the 2001 "We Stand Against Racism" March, the election of the first Latino, and then Latina, Student Body Presidents, the 2016 Election and the founding of La Salita.
Our Mission
To serve and represent the Hispanic and Latino community at the University of Florida by engaging students and developing future leaders. We aim to unify our
community by educating and empowering students’ sense of identity, while advocating respect,
professionalism, and social justice values. The Hispanic Student Association is the voice of the Hispanic and Latino community at the University of Florida.
Our Constitution
HSA is a student organization funded by Student Government through Student Activities and Involvement. Our University profile, technical information and Constitution can be found on GatorConnect.