Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Student Association
Hispanic Public Relations Student Association
The purpose of the Hispanic Public Relations Student Association is to promote diversity and inclusion by creating an environment where every member feels like they belong. The purpose of this organization is to advance the practice of Hispanic public relations as a marketing discipline; to serve as the voice for students who will soon be working in the Hispanic communications field nationwide; to empower its members through support, resources and education; and to offer guidance and assistance to students pursuing careers in the field. This organization focuses on Hispanic culture specifically in the field of public relations.
Your Officers
President: Catalina Santana
Vice President: Catalina Castro
Treasurer: Stephanie Grabli
Secretary: Ryan Montoto
PR Director: Vanessa Mendiola
Chapter Development Director: Paola Chavez
Membership Services Director: Martina Vargas
Social Media Director: Gabriela Perez
Our Constitution
HPRSA is a student organization funded by Student Government through Student Activities and Involvement. Our University profile, technical information and Constitution can be found on GatorConnect.