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Venezuelan Student Association 

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The Venezuelan Student Association at the University of Florida works to promote unity among all Venezuelans, to share our culture with everyone in Gainesville, to guide newly-arrived Venezuelan students in their process of cultural and social adaptation, and to increase the general awareness of current events in Venezuela.

Your Officers

President: Estefi Rodriguez

Vice President: Isabella Cuotto

Treasurer: Alejandro Arvelo

Secretary: Jesus Garcia

Vice President Outreach: Emiliana Tacconi

Community Manager: Ismary Ochoa

Vice President of Events: Eugenia Marcano

Vice President of Professional Development: Sofia Hernandez

Vice President of Athletics: Camila Almandoz

Vice President of Marketing: Victoria Consalvo

Vice President of Community Service: Jose Peaguda


Our Constitution

VENSA is a student organization funded by Student Government through Student Activities and Involvement. Our University profile, technical information and Constitution can be found on GatorConnect.


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