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Venezuelan Student Association 

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The purpose of the Venezuelan Student Association at the University of Florida is to promote unity among all Venezuelans; to share our culture with everyone in Gainesville, to guide newly arrived Venezuelan students in their process of cultural, academic, and social adaptation, and to increase the general awareness of current events in Venezuela.

Your Officers
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President: Estefi Rodriguez

Vice President: Isabella Cuotto

Treasurer: Alejandro Arvelo

Secretary: Jesus Garcia

Vice President Outreach: Emiliana Tacconi

Community Manager: Ismary Ochoa

Vice President of Events: Eugenia Marcano

Vice President of Professional Development: Sofia Hernandez

Vice President of Athletics: Camila Almandoz

Vice President of Marketing: Victoria Consalvo

Vice President of Community Service: Jose Peaguda



Contact Us

Developed by Sara Sortino Da Silva 

Funded by Student Government.

Hispanic-Latine Student Association

3100 Reitz Union
PO Box 118505
Gainesville, FL 32611-8505

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