Hey, my name is Vianny Collazo Barreto, your financial literacy director for the year! I am so excited to serve you all and help you on your journey to financial peace and freedom. Every two weeks you can find my tip of the week right here. Also here is a great list of scholarships to apply to: tinyurl.com/HSAscholarships
In this installment, I talk about scholarships and give you tips about applying to them. Applying to scholarships can be so overwhelming, so I tried to give out the best tips I could find and have learned myself. Learn more about applying to scholarships by clicking the link to my article or watching this video! This link will take you to the article I wrote that also serves as the script to this video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fmSye78Ag58h4_xRmRtWjNq7aW50o-B8ITsDd16mt5I/edit?usp=sharing
Feel free to DM me on Instagram @viannycollazo, if you have any questions or concerns! Let's get that dinero!!!