Essential Tips to Survive Fall Semester
Print out your syllabi for each class and ask any questions you may have, it always comes in handy!
Make sure to bring your planner to take any notes and organize yourself.
Figure out what organization skills and study methods work best for you.
Start interacting with your professors, and building connections in order to expand your network.
Connect with your peers, maybe find your ideal student groups.
Utilize the DRC for accommodation if needed.
Look for the class resources, find a GroupMe if possible.
Make sure to charge your laptop and bring your charger with you.
Get your work done, but don't forget to take a break sometimes and have some fun!
Now let's take one last trip to the past with E-Board...
Vidi Lopez-Lugo | HSA | 3rd Year | Scrapbook Piece
"A Summer with No Boundaries"

My piece, "A Summer with No Boundaries", truly holds a special place in my heart. Although three photos are not enough to showcase the countless friendships and impacts I have encountered, it is enough to tell you what I love. To be vulnerable and allow myself to delve deeper into my passions has pushed me into uncomfortable spaces where I was able to learn and grow. Along the way, I created close connections and even established a family full of professionals who continue to build me up and helped me find my voice. My summer had no boundaries in terms of the love and support I now know I have.
Nick Suriel | HSA | 3rd Year | Visual Art
"Summer 2k21"

I read a book called "The Midnight Library" this summer. For those on book tok, yes I got the suggestion from there. For those unfamiliar with it, it is a story about a women who has the ability to try out as many lives that she has and can stay in one if she finds herself truly happy.
I think this had to be the best book I've ever read, especially for the stage that I am at in my life. This picture is an aggregation of my summer. From the stop sign from the Dominican Republic in the back, to Gainesville sunset sky, each aspect of the piece derives from a choice I made. Being reinforced from the book, this summer was a reminder that I am the one in control of my life.
Yes, one may be reading thinking that is common sense, but on a more grand scale, this means that truly anything is possible. With the same sense that I booked a trip to New York to visit my family, was the same sense that could have said a trip out west was possible or even Spain. The same wit that told me to take on work over the summer was the same wit that could have said to take a break or focus on taking a full course load. When it comes to what is possible, we have an almost infinite number of choices that can impact our lives everyday. So what's stopping us from making the most of each day?
As a certified work-a-holic, just like all of us here, (aka you are doing great by just being here at UF), it can be difficult to sometimes take that step back and recognize that our environment and outlook on life is subject to mainly the decisions that we make every single day. For instance, I started setting aside time every day to read, regardless of what needed to get done, it is a way to step back from the chaos that can be life and do something that is going to allow me to take a break. With school starting back up and a lot of things transitioning back to in-person, I know that I am going to keep on living life because what else is there to do.
Anyways this is just food for thought, minimum, I hope you enjoyed the piece that I made. If you want to further this discussion or talk about anything wellness or growth related, my line is always open! Love talking about stuff like this, any who, peace out ✌️